Thursday, June 21, 2012

It's a nice day, get outside!

I have to admit, that while I do like the outdoors, I tend to spend a lot less time outside then I did when I was younger and more time inside. As I grew out of the days where having a backyard adventure on the swing set was the time of my life... I just didn't know what to do outside anymore! I tend to spend, even the nicest of days sitting inside playing computer games or watching TV, simply because I can't seem to find anything better to do. What can a teenager (or young adult) do to enjoy a sunny day outside? When you think of it, there are quite a few simple and relaxing ways you can enjoy a nice summer day. And while they may be really simple, they beat just sitting inside all day!

So one of my favorite things to do outside on a hot day is to go swimming, though I admit that I mostly swim in indoor pools. If you have a pool in your backyard that's great! If not you can always head out for your local recreation center or even to a nearby beach. Don't forget your pool/ beach bag! 
*some recreation centers may have a fee you need to pay to get in,  If you plan to go swimming or do other activities there frequently, i may suggest looking into getting a pass or membership. 

If you don't have access to a pool or beach, you can always chill at the park with some friends. You can even bring some snacks and have a little picnic. If you want you can even play a game of catch, or even a game of baseball, basketball, or soccer. Or you can just relax on the swings and chat with your besties. 

Going for a walk or riding your bike around is also a great and really simple way to get out of the house.  You don't even really have to go anywhere. A nice walk or ride around the block can help to keep you from getting stir crazy (give yourself a pat on the back if you know what I'm referring too :D). A walk through the wilderness would also be great if you have a trail nearby. 

You can even enjoy the day by just sitting in your own backyard if you don't wish to leave the house. You can simply lounge in a lawn chair and work on your tan. (Just don't forget your sunscreen! No matter what you choose to do outside, you should always protect your skin from harmful UV rays.) Even just laying outside and reading a book or magazine, or even just playing some games on your phone and listening to your iPod, beats being cooped up inside all day. Just remember, when you are outside you need to drink plenty of water,especially in excessive heat. It's best to bring a water bottle with you everywhere you go, especially during the summer. 

What do you like to do outside on a nice day? I'd love to see what others like to do to enjoy a nice day. Or even if you hate being outside completely because of bugs, heat, or other reasons. 

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