In my last post, I told you about my typical school morning routine. So today I would like to blog on my typical nightly routine for school. A good nightly routine is just as important to keep your organized as a good morning routine, and also helps to make your morning routine go quicker and smoother. So basically, everything that can be done at night, I'll do at night rather then in the morning. Some people may prefer to do a few of these things in the morning, like I know many prefer to shower in the morning, but everyone has a preference :) But then many of these things I feel should be taken care of a night. There's also a few things that I'll only do on a specific day of the week, or when I feel it's necessary.
Since I don't have any strict bedtime, I go to bed between 11:00-12:00. Surely not enough sleep for someone waking up at 4:30 in the morning, but it's working for me. Though I would never recommend this bad sleep habit to anyone, and I really should try to fix it. But typically, I'll start my nightly routine around 8:30, and I'm typically done with it by 9:30 or 10:00.
So here is what I do at night
Around 8:30 I'll get off the computer and go take a shower- I know that many people prefer to shower in the morning, But I like to take my shower at night to save time for the morning. This also allows me to use overnight methods to curl my hair, as well as my extensions. Overnight curling methods save time, and save your hair from the heat. I wash my hair and body everyday. I know that it's not good for your hair to wash it daily, but it looks icky when I don't wash it.
-I'll usually put the curlers, or use whatever method I'm styling my hair with, on my extensions before I do to take my shower. That way I'm sure they'll be dry by morning, since they are thicker than my hair. I'll also wash them before I take a shower as well. Usually this can be done over the weekend, but can be done during the week if needed.
On Sunday nights, I'll usually shave my underarms and legs- For me, taking care of these kinds of things once a week is enough. I just prefer not to have extra hair on my legs and underarms, LOL. And it's much easier to manage if you keep up with it once a week.
Moisturize- Just to keep my skin soft, I'll put on lotion at night. Drinking water can also help make your skin softer and healthier. I love to use lotions from Bath and Body Works! I love the scents, and I like to switch it up once in a while. Though my favorite scent in sweet pea! I don't have much of a problem with dry skin, except on the palms of my hands. But it's still good to stay moisturized!
Pick my clothes for the next day and set them out- Picking clothes the night before will save a lot of time in the morning. I also like to pick my accessories and decide how I'll do my hair and make-up as I pick my clothes out. Sometimes I like to make Monday's outfit go with how I'll paint my nails.
-Sometimes it can be helpful to pick out your outfits for the whole week. I usually only do this for spirit weeks for days I want to do the spirit day. I also like to plan some outfits, or get an outfit ready a few days in advance. Like the self-explanatory first day of school outfit, Picture day (though I'm a senior and I won't need to worry much about school picture day), my birthday (I like to dress up on my birthday, LOL), and days where I'm required to wear a certain thing for choir or quest.
Style my hair- I like to use overnight curling methods on my hair. So while my hair is still wet (but not soaking wet), I'll start putting in rollers, or I'll braid my hair for waves. My extensions are done before this. I'll have tutorials on the different ways I curl my hair in the future. If I want to straighten my hair I'll just do it in the morning. But I'll straighten my extensions at night if they were curled the day before.
Grab a last snack, and plan my breakfast- I can't sleep on an empty stomach, so I'll grab one last light snack at night. I try to stay away from heavy foods this time of night, but instead go for things like yogurt, fruit, veggies, or even some crackers. I may also have a glass of milk or juice with it. While I'm in the kitchen I'll also plan what i want for breakfast and get it ready so I can easily find it in the morning.
Brush teeth- Obviously this gets rid of all the gunk on your teeth from throughout the day and leaves you with a fresh mouth. It also discourages me from eating more late night snacks and filling up on extra calories before bed. After I brush my teeth, I'll still drink water, but nothing other then water.
Wash face- Just to get rid of excess oil and bacteria and help to prevent acne. Also makes my skin feel fresh and clean!
Get my bags ready- I like to change out my purse depending on what outfit I'm wearing. So I'll switch all of my things over to the purse I'll be using for school the next day. I'll also make sure to put my keys in my purse, so I won't get locked out of the house and I can't forget them, LOL. I'll also get all of my books and homework together and make sure I did all of my homework (if anything was forgotten, I'll need to remember it in 1st period study hall), and get it into my bag. I'll also check the weather to see if I might need to put an umbrella in my tote bag. I like to recheck all of these things in the morning as well.
On Sundays, I'll usually paint my nails- I'll remove any old nail polish, and paint on a fresh new design or pretty new color. Usually this is just a Sunday thing, but I'll repaint my nails a new color if they get badly chipped during the week.
Relax until bedtime- My usual way of relaxing before bed is to get on the computer and chat with some friends, or to read a book. I could probably leave this out and just go to bed after I either wash my face, or after my nails dry. Or i could reduce the time I spend online or reading.
Go to bed between 11:00 and 12:00- This is really late, and I shouldn't go to bed so late. But I've been doing this for a long time and I've been fine with it. When I go to bed i like to spray a lavender sleep mist onto my pillow. I love the one from Bath and Body Works.
I really do need to work on getting more sleep, but this has always worked for me. What is your nightly routine? What kind of things do you do at night to cut back on time in the morning? Let me know in the comments! :)
Great post! I love getting to know other bloggers by reading their morning or night routines. I wrote a similar post if you have time to check it out.