Saturday, August 25, 2012

Cheap Prom Dresses! (And homecoming dresses!)

Since school just started, or is starting in a few weeks for some of you, it's probably way early to think about prom. And if there's any dance we should be thinking of, it should be fall homecoming. But if you want to get a bargain on your prom dress, or even your homecoming dress, it wouldn't be a bad idea to look now. Especially if you know you'll be on a tight budget for either of these dances, or you may not have the money to buy an expensive dress. And I know that sometimes the reason for not going to these dances is that not everyone can afford the full prices of these dresses, and everything that comes along with it. But if you can cut down the price of the most expensive part of prom or homecoming, the dress, you could afford to go... or even spend more money on other parts of your prom or homecoming outfit. 

If you read my back to school haul blog post, you may have seen that I got my prom dress for only $10.00 from Debs! (I'll be sure to update this post with a picture as soon as I can get one) And the dress is amazing! Now all I have to do is get some shoes and accessories to go with it! The dress was originally $159.99, so I'd say its most definitely a steal! The only thing is, the selection is rather small, and in some areas may not even be available, but it's always worth a try! If you have a Deb's in your area, you  should definitely check it out! Deb's also has an amazing selection of homecoming dresses, clubbing outfits, and casual and dressy outfits. 

You can even get a gorgeous homecoming dress for a very low price. Homecoming type of dresses usually have a much larger selection. And if you look on the clearance racks, you can find a homecoming dress for as little as $5.00 (you'll usually REALLY need to look, but it's worth it!) Most clearance items will be a lot less then $40.00. Don't be afraid to look for a bargain! And you don't only have to look for formal outfits, Deb's has many everyday outfits on their clearance racks as well! 

Times are tough, and it can be hard to pay full price for prom and homecoming dresses. But the price of the dress shouldn't be a reason to not go to these dances and have a good time if you can find a dress at a lower cost. And you'll look just as fabulous as if you would have paid full price. And if you save money on the dress, you can even spend more on accessories, and even get your hair and nails done for the dance. You can even put the extra money into other outfits for school or other casual events! If you know of a place where you may be able to find a prom or homecoming dress at a low price, be sure to check it out! (If you know any place other then Deb's that sells prom and homecoming dresses at low prices, feel free to let others know in the comments!) 

Here is the website for Deb's to give you a taste of what they might have, but of course you can find even bigger bargains in the store!:

And of course it's always okay to pay full price if you wish! It's your night and you should make it the way you've always dreamed of it being! Just don't let high prices stop you from going and having a good time. Just be sure to get their quick as selection is very little, and may run out soon on prom dresses. Price and availability depend on your location. 

***FTC Disclaimer: I am not being paid or sponsored by any of the companies mentioned in this post. All opinions are my own***

Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Glambitious Life: First Day of School

I made this a while ago, but all of my classes are exactly as listed on here. 

So as I might have mentioned before... I'm a senior in high school. And today was my last first day of high school. I basically knew all of the things our school does on the first day, and it seemed to go really smoothly. I actually got my locker open on the first try! LOL! I didn't get lost looking for any classes, unlike last year when we moved to a new building. I didn't even really get any homework, other then papers that my mom has to sign (All of the papers outlining class rules and such.) And things were kept really simple when we did do anything in class. I've always loved how simple things were on the first day of school. Many people find it boring, but I've always liked it for some reason.

The day seemed to fly by really quick, although... they decided to add 4 minutes to the school day this year. Ick. And my study hall teacher does not allow music to be listened to in his study hall. I'll have to find some way to survive... BOOK TIME! LOL! I didn't today, but I WILL be bringing in a good book tomorrow. :) (Perhaps I should do a whats in my school purse video?) But my schedule seems really easy, and most of my teachers seem really nice. Even speech seemed fun and easy! Today we were given a random topic to give a short speech on, and many of them were pretty funny. Mine was to try to sell my outfit for $100, LOL. Which reminds me, I was going to do an outfit of the day. But I couldn't seem to get a good picture of my outfit today... I will work on this in the future. 

Basically my outfit was a black shirt with a built in zebra print cami kind of thing (it's shown in my back to school haul.) And a knee length black skirt. I put a little black belt between the shirt and the skirt to make them flow better together. For accessories I just put on a silver statement necklace with little circles and things dangling off of it, though I tucked the dandles into the scoop neck of the shirt and it looked amazing! I also wore some big silver earrings (both the necklace and earrings and in my back to school haul.) Then I added some bangles and one bangle with zebra print. I also added a black ring and a black bow headband. Then I added in some black dress shoes. As for my hair I just wore my extensions and had my hair in loose curls. 

So I'd have to say... I had a pretty good day. Everything went smoothly and I knew what I was doing and where I was going. Though I am kind of sad this is the last time I'll get to do this in high school. The first day of school was always my favorite since elementary school. But it's also nice to be a senior and to know that I'll be graduating in may. I hope your first day of school was amazing and I'd love to hear about it in the comments of this blog! I hope everyone has a fabulous year, and I'll be sure to keep the school blogs coming throughout the year. As well as other blogs. 

Friday, August 17, 2012

Girl Talk: Periods At School

If you are a girl, it's going to happen, at some point you are going to get... your period. And whether we like it or not, it's going to happen at school at some point. I know, probably one of the worst places to have it right? You might feel like everyone knows, or you're worried about having an embarrassing accident. There may even be a time when you aren't at all prepared and then, BLAM! And then you need to desperately ask friends for a tampon (or a pad if that's what you prefer). I've been through it all. And it's not fun, but it doesn't have to be as bad as it seems. 

With school just around the corner, and i know that many of you may have already started school, I'd like to share some of my tips and tricks for dealing with the dreaded periods at school. I didn't come up with all of these on my own, I got a few from my mom and from some friends, and also a few from the internet. But I'd love to share all of my school periods tips with you for back to school. If you have any additional tips and tricks, feel free to leave them in the comments on this blog post. This post mostly focuses on school, and more general posts on this topic will come in the future. 

Being Prepared:
Know when you're going to start- My biggest tip to being prepared for your period to start is to know when it's coming. To know when your period will start, count the days from the start of your period, to the start of the next, this is your cycle. The average cycle is 28 days long, but can vary from girl to girl. It can sometimes even be a little different through different cycles, especially when you are just getting your period. Be sure to mark your calender for the day your period may start so that you don't forget. You can also get apps for your phone or iPod Touch to remind you when you're period may start. I use Period Plus.

Wear Pantie-liners as your period gets near- You may want to wear them a couple of days before your period starts, just in case you start a little bit early. These can also be worn all month to keep your undies fresher! Wearing a pantie-liner will help to protect your undies for a small amount of time if you start at school. But if you start to feel a little damp (gross right?), you'll want to get the the bathroom to put on a proper pad or tampon ASAP! If you know your period will start that day, you can even wear a light pad so you don't need to try to make an immediate trip to the bathroom (though you'll still want to change it as soon as you can if you were already wearing the pad, just for cleanliness). 

Always have supplies on hand- It's best to always keep a couples tampons or pads in your purse at all times, just in case. You can keep them in a small make-up bag so people won't see them. Whether it's close to that time of month or not. It could sneak up on you, or a friend once in a while. It also wouldn't be a bad idea to keep a small emergency kit (I may do a full emergency kit blog sometime) with enough pads and tampons, and maybe even a clean pair of undies in your locker. Better safe then sorry. This will save you from having to ask somebody else for one, and you can help someone else out. Just don't forget to restock this as needed. 

Staying Fresh:
You WILL need to change your pad or tampon at school. You can almost get away with not changing your tampon (they should be changed every 6-8 hours, or even earlier if your flow is heavier), but it's still best to change it and stay fresh. Pads will need to be changed at least every 4 hours, or less on heavy flow days. You'll usually know when your pad or tampon needs changing. Try to do this between classes (if possible) or during lunch break to avoid taking class time. If it can't wait a little longer, or you don't have enough time between classes, you can try to ask your teacher at the beginning, or end or class. Since I know that not all teachers will allow you to go to the restroom, I'll do a future post on how to deal with that. But most teachers will let you go if you tell them you are having a female emergency. It might be awkward, but both female AND male teachers will know what it means, and will generally understand. 

Don't worry about anyone hearing you change your pad or tampon. Usually nobody is even paying attention. But since (obviously, LOL) you are in the girls bathroom, all of the girls in there will go through it at some point or another as well. But it's not likely they'll even notice, unless you tell them. And of course it's better to have people know you're fresh and clean :) It's always better then embarrassing leaks and feeling icky. DON'T FORGET TO WASH YOUR HANDS AFTERWARDS! 

Many girls worry that everyone will know when they are on their period. But really, as long as you change your tampon or pad when needed (you can even wear both together for extra protection, or even just wear a pantie-liner with a tampon just in case), nobody will ever know unless you tell them. Here are a few things you can do if you are worried about leaks:

If you use tampons, wear a pantie-liner, or even a light pad with it in case of leaks- (Like mentioned before) You'll want to change your tampon if you start leaking. But this will protect you undies, and give you extra protection. 

Wear dark colored pants- Leaks will be less obvious on darker pants then light pants. You'll still want to wash them as soon as you get home, and even cover it if you have a leak. But it'll be a little harder (though not invisible) to see without looking closely. Dark denim or even better yet, black work amazing. 

Have your bestie do a butt-check- If you are worried you may be leaking, ask a trusted gal pal do a butt check. It might seem awkward but she knows the feeling. And it's a lot less awkward then trying to look back at your own behind, or walking around with a spot on the back of your pants all day. 

Carry a hoodie or jacket that can cover it up- If your hoodie or jacket is long enough it can cover the spot all you have to do is put it on. You can also tie it around your waste to cover up the spot. 

Change your pad or tampon when you feel needed to avoid leaks almost all together!

Dealing with cramps at school:
Taking a nap, or even light exercise can really help with cramps. But both of these things would be rather hard to do at school when you need to sit in class. And sometimes the pain from cramps can make it harder to focus on school. Cramps shouldn't keep or send you home, unless they are REALLY bad. You may also want to see a doctor about unbearable cramps. I generally get the worst or my cramps on the first of second day of my cycle.  And I'll generally take some pain medicine like Advil to keep the pain low, or completely away. Since most schools don't allow any kind of medicine on school property (and don't risk it, you could get into HUGE trouble), you'll want to take it before you leave for school. Drinking water can also help a little bit with cramps. Sometimes just placing your hand on your lower tummy can help a little bit too. Wearing loose fitting pants can also help to relieve a little discomfort. 

So these are a few of my tips for dealing with periods at school. This isn't everything I have on periods in general, that's for another future post. But this is what I like to do to stay fresh at school. Feel free to leave any additional tips, and questions in the comments. And feel free to answer other peoples questions. Please note that I am not a doctor, or a professional or any kind. I speak out of personal experience. And never be afraid to ask a woman you trust questions. 

This may also be the last blog post in my back to school blog series, but I'm not sure yet. Though I will still post many school blogs throughout the school year. But along with other posts as well. Keep on the lookout for blogs on homecoming in the next month!

Tuesday, August 14, 2012

My Nightly Routine

In my last post, I told you about my typical school morning routine. So today I would like to blog on my typical nightly routine for school. A good nightly routine is just as important to keep your organized as a good morning routine, and also helps to make your morning routine go quicker and smoother. So basically, everything that can be done at night, I'll do at night rather then in the morning. Some people may prefer to do a few of these things in the morning, like I know many prefer to shower in the morning, but everyone has a preference :) But then many of these things I feel should be taken care of a night. There's also a few things that I'll only do on a specific day of the week, or when I feel it's necessary. 

Since I don't have any strict bedtime, I go to bed between 11:00-12:00. Surely not enough sleep for someone waking up at 4:30 in the morning, but it's working for me. Though I would never recommend this bad sleep habit to anyone, and I really should try to fix it.  But typically, I'll start my nightly routine around 8:30, and I'm typically done with it by 9:30 or 10:00. 

So here is what I do at night

Around 8:30 I'll get off the computer and go take a shower- I know that many people prefer to shower in the morning, But I like to take my shower at night to save time for the morning. This also allows me to use overnight methods to curl my hair, as well as my extensions. Overnight curling methods save time, and save your hair from the heat. I wash my hair and body everyday. I know that it's not good for your hair to wash it daily, but it looks icky when I don't wash it.
      -I'll usually put the curlers, or use whatever method I'm styling my hair with, on my extensions before I do to take my shower. That way I'm sure they'll be dry by morning, since they are thicker than my hair. I'll also wash them before I take a shower as well. Usually this can be done over the weekend, but can be done during the week if needed. 

On Sunday nights, I'll usually shave my underarms and legs- For me, taking care of these kinds of things once a week is enough. I just prefer not to have extra hair on my legs and underarms, LOL. And it's much easier to manage if you keep up with it once a week. 

Moisturize- Just to keep my skin soft, I'll put on lotion at night. Drinking water can also help make your skin softer and healthier. I love to use lotions from Bath and Body Works! I love the scents, and I like to switch it up once in a while. Though my favorite scent in sweet pea! I don't have much of a problem with dry skin, except on the palms of my hands. But it's still good to stay moisturized!

Pick my clothes for the next day and set them out- Picking clothes the night before will save a lot of time in the morning. I also like to pick my accessories and decide how I'll do my hair and make-up as I pick my clothes out. Sometimes I like to make Monday's outfit go with how I'll paint my nails. 
     -Sometimes it can be helpful to pick out your outfits for the whole week. I usually only do this for spirit weeks for days I want to do the spirit day. I also like to plan some outfits, or get an outfit ready a few days in advance. Like the self-explanatory first day of school outfit, Picture day (though I'm a senior and I won't need to worry much about school picture day), my birthday (I like to dress up on my birthday, LOL), and days where I'm required to wear a certain thing for choir or quest.

Style my hair- I like to use overnight curling methods on my hair. So while my hair is still wet (but not soaking wet), I'll start putting in rollers, or I'll braid my hair for waves. My extensions are done before this. I'll have tutorials on the different ways I curl my hair in the future. If I want to straighten my hair I'll just do it in the morning. But I'll straighten my extensions at night if they were curled the day before.

Grab a last snack, and plan my breakfast- I can't sleep on an empty stomach, so I'll grab one last light snack at night. I try to stay away from heavy foods this time of night, but instead go for things like yogurt, fruit, veggies, or even some crackers. I may also have a glass of milk or juice with it. While I'm in the kitchen I'll also plan what i want for breakfast and get it ready so I can easily find it in the morning. 

Brush teeth- Obviously this gets rid of all the gunk on your teeth from throughout the day and leaves you with a fresh mouth. It also discourages me from eating more late night snacks and filling up on extra calories before bed. After I brush my teeth, I'll still drink water, but nothing other then water. 

Wash face- Just to get rid of excess oil and bacteria and help to prevent acne. Also makes my skin feel fresh and clean!

Get my bags ready- I like to change out my purse depending on what outfit I'm wearing. So I'll switch all of my things over to the purse I'll be using for school the next day. I'll also make sure to put my keys in my purse, so I won't get locked out of the house and I can't forget them, LOL. I'll also get all of my books and homework together and make sure I did all of my homework (if anything was forgotten, I'll need to remember it in 1st period study hall), and get it into my bag. I'll also check the weather to see if I might need to put an umbrella in my tote bag. I like to recheck all of these things in the morning as well. 

On Sundays, I'll usually paint my nails- I'll remove any old nail polish, and paint on a fresh new design or pretty new color. Usually this is just a Sunday thing, but I'll repaint my nails a new color if they get badly chipped during the week. 

Relax until bedtime- My usual way of relaxing before bed is to get on the computer and chat with some friends, or to read a book. I could probably leave this out and just go to bed after I either wash my face, or after my nails dry. Or i could reduce the time I spend online or reading. 

Go to bed between 11:00 and 12:00- This is really late, and I shouldn't go to bed so late. But I've been doing this for a long time and I've been fine with it. When I go to bed i like to spray a lavender sleep mist onto my pillow. I love the one from Bath and Body Works. 

I really do need to work on getting more sleep, but this has always worked for me. What is your nightly routine? What kind of things do you do at night to cut back on time in the morning? Let me know in the comments! :) 

Monday, August 13, 2012

My School Morning Routine

We all know that a good, organized morning routine, can really help to start off an amazing and organized day. It can greatly reduce your chances of forgetting something as you head out, and help you accomplish everything you feel the need to accomplish. And of course different people will want to do different things in the morning. Some may want to take longer on their hair and make-up, some might want some time to sit at the computer or watch some TV before school. Some may even want to just get up and go. Morning routines can often be shortened by taking care of a few things at night (I'll probably post my nightly routine tomorrow), or by taking a few parts out of your routine if you wish to sleep longer. 

So this is going to sound VERY crazy, but I usually wake up at 4:30 am, which is REALLY early. (Also why my routine may not work for everyone.) But this allows me the time to get through everything I want to get done, especially since my beauty routine tends to take a while, with putting in my extensions (since I'm rather new to it.) and styling my hair, and putting on my make- up. It also allows me enough time to eat breakfast, and even relax on YouTube for a bit before I head out to school. Some parts of my routine aren't really necessary or needed, but I like to have them in my routine.

So here is what I do...

Wake up at 4:30, to a song from my iPod- Waking up to a good song is much better then waking up to BEEP BEEP BEEP BEEP, especially at 4:30 in the morning. I like to switch out the songs so I don't get sick of using one song. Music is really relaxing to wake up to, and you can even continue to play it as you get ready (as long as you don't have to worry about disturbing anyone, or keep in on a low volume). You could also use a happy and cheerful ringtone as your alarm. But if you don't feel this will get you out of bed, you may want to stick to the annoying beeps. Also it's not the best idea to use the tempting snooze button to much, LOL. You don't wanna be late for school. 

Eat breakfast- I wrote a post on how important it is to eat breakfast, especially on a school day! Breakfast gives you more energy, and holds you over until lunch, since you can't just eat when you feel hungry at school. Breakfast shouldn't be skipped, even for time purposes. Cereal bars can be great if you are in a hurry. I'll sometimes make my bed while my toast is in the toaster to save even more time. 

Make the bed if i haven't already- When the bed is made, it's less tempting to crawl back into bed. A one minute nap could turn into "AHH! I'm Late!" or even "OMG I JUST MISSED SCHOOL!" by accident. It's also nice to come back home to a straightened up room and a made bed (and making the bed can make a huge difference in how clean your room looks and feels. 

Brush teeth- This one is for obvious reasons, LOL. I like doing this after I eat, because I wouldn't see much point in brushing your teeth BEFORE breakfast, just to get them dirty again in a few minutes. Nobody likes bad breath, so I like to take care of if before I start doing my hair and make- up. 

Style my hair- This will tend to take the longest because I put in hair extensions, and I'm new to it so it takes me a bit longer. I also like to style it before my extensions go in so It'll be easier to blend them, and then fix it up once the extensions are in. I may even do a little bit more with it sometimes. I like to cut down on time by using overnight curling methods on both my natural hair, and the extensions. But of course straightening must be done in the morning. As well as putting in the extensions. If you don't use hair extensions, your time is cute down by a lot. 

Put on my make-up- This can sometimes take a while for me to, since I like the colors I use to go good with what I'm wearing that day, and I like to try out many different things with my make-up. I love colorful make-up! :) Usually I start with my foundation, bronzer, and blush. Then I'll move on to my eyes.

Change into my school clothes and accessorize- I usually like to get ready in my pajamas, LOL, and I don't know why. My outfit is usually picked out at night before bed so that I know what I'll wear and I can plan out how I'll do my hair and make-up to go with it. 

Relax time- If I have time, I like to sit and relax and watch some YouTube videos. I like using the computer in the morning because it keeps my mind somewhat active so I don't fall back asleep, but it's not stressful. I'll also check the weather to make sure the report hasn't changed from the night before to see if I'll need to bring an umbrella or jacket. 

Check through everything- This part sometimes gets left out when I get in a hurry, and it's often bad when I don't do this. I like to make sure I have my keys, lunch money, homework, and anything else I may need for the day before I walk out the door. I also like to take one last look in the mirror to make sure everything looks okay. And maybe fix a few quick things. Usually if i don't do this I'll forget something. Whether my books, keys, money, or anything... It's not fun to leave things at home. 

Leave for school around 7:00- School starts about 7:30, and it takes me 10-15 minutes to walk to school. I allow extra time in case of icky weather, or if i need to take care of something in the morning. I also get plenty of time to socialize or eat breakfast if i didn't when I woke up. I also don't need to worry about being late for a class if I get there before the first bell rings at 7:25. But I'm not sitting at school for to long before school starts either. 

I really could cut back on time by taking a few parts out of my morning routine, but I like my routine as is. What do you do on a school morning? I'd love to know in the comments :) I'll be posting my nightly routine either tomorrow or Wednesday. 

Friday, August 10, 2012

From A Senior To A Freshman

With summer coming to an end, and a new school year beginning, I feel that now is a good time to share a few small bits of advice for those who are about to start high school, or middle school, or that are moving to a new school. These should also be remembered no matter what grade you're in, or how long you've been going to a school, and even in some other places beyond school. We all want to make a good impression on people, and we want the others kids to accept us. There can be many pressures in middle and especially high school. It's important to always stay true to who you are, and keep your goals in mind. 

The most important thing is to be yourself, and don't try to be someone you're not. People can tell when you are being fake, and nobody likes a fake. It's better to have friends that like you for who you are, rather then people who like you for what you're not. If someone can't accept you for who you are, you really don't need them as a friend. Friends are people you can be yourself and be silly with, and never have to worry about it. Being popular is not what it seems cracked up to be. There is often more drama, and a lot more pressures in these groups then what you may see. You'll be a lot more comfortable, and happier being yourself, and having friends who like the REAL beautiful you. :)

Never give into peer pressure when it comes to things you don't feel right about. Real friends would never pressure you into doing something that you know is wrong. Don't drink, try drugs, or do anything with a guy just to fit in, or to get them to like you. The potential consequences are not worth it, and can get between you and your dreams. You could get into serious trouble with the law, and with your family. Surround yourself with friends that you can trust, and people who know your dreams and encourage you to go towards them. Anyone who would try to get you to do something you aren't comfortable with, or anything illegal or dangerous for the matter, is not worth it. (This includes a boyfriend that doesn't respect your values. There are plenty of other fish in the sea, and guys who would respect you. You don't need to stay with a jerk.)

You should never let bullies or haters get to you. These people are only jealous of you and insecure of themselves, and they try to bring others down to their level with harsh, and immature words. They really aren't worth the time or any pain. Some mean comments can even be turned into compliments in a way, just get creative! I'll write another post on how to handle bullies in the future. But never stoop to their level and make comments back at them, this makes you a bully as well. If you feel that the bullying is out of control, or if it's really hurting you, you'll want to tell a trusted adult. Whether it's a parents, teacher, or any other adult in your life. Don't try to handle a serious situation on your own. Don't wait until things escalate further, or turn violent. And remember, you have a lot going for you. Don't let anyone try to take that away from you. And don't forget to treat others the way you wan't to be treated.

And of course don't forget to enjoy these years. High school years fly by really fast, trust me, and once they're gone you can't get them back. Make memories, and enjoy each day. Join a sports team, or a school club and make new friends. Try new things. Take an interesting class. And don't forget to have a dream to shoot for beyond high school, and work towards it as you enjoy these years. Keep those grades up! School might suck sometimes, but it's always important.  Keep your head up girls, and stay glambitious! :)

What advice do you have for anyone moving on to middle school or high school? Or moving to a new district? 

Here is a video I found on YouTube. This song is really inspirational. And this guy actually came to my school last year! The song is called Won't Back Down sung by Ryan Holliday. It's about not giving up, no matter what happens. Check it out if you'd like!

Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Back To School: Organization

Hey everyone, I finally filmed my video on how I organize for school. These are the things that I find work best for me. Feel free to take a few tips from this video and mix them with other ideas. Remember that different techniques work for different people, and what works for one person may not work for another person. So most definitely check out other peoples videos! I didn't go into a whole lot of detail in my video, so I'll put a few extra details here. And feel free to leave a comment on your techniques for organization in the comments. :) I may do a separate blog for how I study for tests. 

My Take Home "Binder":

So I like to have a separate binder for every class, but I don't want to carry them all home every night to do my homework, especially since I walk to school. So I like to carry an accordion pocket folder instead. It's lighter then a trapper keeper, and I also don't have to worry much about things falling out of it on the way home, or in the halls. I'll store some papers from classes that I don't feel really need a binder in it as well such as computer classes and art classes. I also like to keep all my loose leaf paper in the back of it. It's a lot more convenient than having to clip and un-clip binder rings every time you need paper. I'll use a different pocket for different things so they don't get as mixed up. Since my folder has 7 pockets I may organize it like this (for example):
-Loose Leaf Paper
-Art Classes
-Quest Papers (Quest in an elective class I'm taking, mostly a community service kind of thing)
-Papers/ letters from the school
-papers to get signed/ papers from choir
-papers from any other minor class
Which classes I put in here will mostly depend on how the class goes. I might put cooking classes in here as well if they don't give out a lot of papers, or any other class with few papers.

One Class Binders:

These are for classes that would give out more papers, like sociology/ psychology classes, English classes, or math and science if I had those classes. Depending on the class, I might also use this for a foods class or other electives. I don't have dividers in these because after a test I'll keep things that I feel are important (tests,quizzes, power point notes, handouts) in it and put everything else in a storage bin. I'll just keep different chapters together in order that we studied them. I like to put the class syllabus in a plastic protective sheet so that it doesn't get as ripped up. The class syllabus outlines the general details of the class. 

5 subject notebook:

I like to keep my locker as clutter free as possible, so I use a 5 subject notebook rather then a different notebook for each class. I also don't have to worry about bringing the wrong notebook to class, LOL. I'll just use a different section for each different class. I may even use the same section for a similar class in the second semester. My classes don't always give out a whole lot of notes, so I don't need a big notebook for each class. If your teacher collects notebooks, I wouldn't go with this method for that class!Teachers will usually tell you if they collect notebooks or not the first few days of school. Also this wasn't mentioned in my video, but I like to take notes in different colors to make it more appealing to the eye. 

The whoopsie folder:

Even though I have a pretty good morning routine, I'll share this in a future blog, it sometimes slips my mind to bring my things to school. LOL! And I don't always realize I forgot my things until I'm halfway up the street or already at school. So I like to keep a folder with some extra paper and a pencil in it just in case. Though I did leave all my homework at home, I'll still have something to get through the day. It's never good to leave your things at home though, haha. And always be sure to bring back the whoopsie folder along with your usual things  the next day. The whoopsie folder can also come in handy if you are running low on paper, or cant find a pencil. You'll always know you have one in your locker. This could also be brought to class on a low class work day, like exam days when you don't need all of your things. 


I highly recommend that you get some kind of planner to write your assignments in. Most schools will supply one, but not all, especially not in college. But if you don't like your schools planner, or if your school doesn't supply one you could always buy a cuter one. Walmart has some cute ones for really cheap. You could also get a plain little notebook to write your assignments down in. Make sure to write all of your assignments down in your planner when you get them, that way you won't have to ask anyone later. And you won't wind up doing more problems on a worksheet then you have to! Planners can also be used to mark important dates such as tests. They can even be used for personal things like appointments, birthdays, and more! You may also want to write different classes assignments in different colors. For example: English assignments in pink, history in blue, science in green, ect. It's really up to you :)

Pencil Bag:

I like to keep my pencil bag in my purse so I'm way less likely to forget it. I keep things like pencils, pens, highlighters, white out tape, and an eraser in this. My pencil bag is a make-up bag I had since 6th grade. Just the basics that we all need for school. :P

I will do another blog on my note taking and study method, but maybe after school starts so that I can show a better example. But I haven't decided yet. Of course I'll take home the one class binders when i need to study for that test, but I don't take all of them home at once. How do you like to organize for school? Let me know in the comments of this blog or on my video. You can even leave a video response on YouTube if you want :) Also feel free to link to organizational videos you made, or ones you like on this post. 

Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Back To School: New School Years Resolutions

Many of us make new years resolutions as January 1st approaches. Whether it be to get in better shape, be kinder to others, or to try certain things. We all have some kind of goal as New Years approaches. And like many others, I like to make similar kinds of goals as a new school year approaches as well. It's always important to have some kind of goal for the start of every school year. Whether it be an academic or social goal, or a goal in a sport or extra curricular activity (you could also make it a goal to join an extra curricular activity if you aren't already in one). You should always have something to aim for, whether it be big or small. You may want to become a little more outgoing, or even be friendlier to others. Or wanting to earn a certain grade in a class, or scoring so many points in your sport or breaking your old records. You could even have a fashion or beauty goal if you wish. Whatever your goal is, keep at it until you get there, and don't be afraid to go beyond your goal. 

When making your new school years resolutions, try to make at least one academic goal, as these will impact your future the most. Make it challenging, but realistic. For example, you may want to earn a A or B in a class you usually struggle in, but you shouldn't set your goal to get an A on every test. But of course test grades can make good short term goals to help you reach your longer term goal, and short term goals should be made anywhere. Your goal for the test grade should be based on how well you understand the current material, if you understand it very well, by all means shoot for an A. But if you struggle with it, try to shoot for at least a C or B (never go any lower then a C!). You may also make it a goal to earn certain grades on your report card, be it all A's and B's, or even all A's (this should depend on you and how well you usually do in school). And don't forget to ask for help from a teacher or parent, or even a friend when you feel like you're having trouble. 

You may also want to make a few social goals as well, especially if you tend to be shy. You may want to try to be a little more outgoing, and talk to people you wouldn't normally talk to (you never know who might make a good friend!) You might even want to be kinder to others if you haven't been in the past, or you want to be an even better person than before. It can even be a goal to make at least one new friend. You shouldn't say I'll be friends with everyone, but at least try to get along with everyone (and not let unfriendly people get to you.) And don't forget to stay true to yourself, and the friends you already have. Make it a goal to never give into peer pressure. <3 

If you play a sport you could aim to score a certain amount of points in a season, or to break your previous records. Or even make it a goal to get closer with your teammates. You could also try to make a sport that you really want to play later in the year, or even work towards making it next year. If you aren't athletic, you could always join other clubs like choir, band, drama club, and other organizations. It's good to be involved in something outside of the school day. Sports and other clubs are a great way to make new friends, and learn to work with other people. If you are in an activity like choir or band, maybe work up the courage try to get a solo. You may also want to try to get a big role in a school play if you are in the school's drama club. (Quick question: what after school activities do you like to take part in?)

Just remember, almost all goals will take time and effort. You can't expect everything to go perfect the first day of school. Don't be afraid to ask for help, and always practice at things you're having trouble with. Keep your head up :) Even if you don't reach your goal, don't beat yourself over it. Try to find out what you can improve on and keep trying. Never give up! And remember that it's always amazing to go beyond your goal :)

Here are a few of my new school years resolutions:

I want to try to be a little more outgoing and be friendlier to people I wouldn't normally talk to.
I want to earn at least all A's and B's this year, closer to all A's!
Maybe work up the courage to sing a solo in choir!
Procrastinate less on important things like homework and projects.
Read some books from the school library on things that I wouldn't normally read about.
Stop sleeping in class, this may require me to get a better nights sleep, LOL.
Start taking the future more seriously and look into college, since I am a senior
Make the most out of my last year of high school :)

What are you goals for the new school year? Are you working on any goals that go beyond this upcoming school year? How do you keep going towards your goal, even when it gets hard? Let me know in the comments :)

Monday, August 6, 2012

Back To School Haul

I went back to shopping over the weekend, and finally filmed my haul today! Since I'm new to making videos, it isn't a perfect video, but I'll try to get better with filming. I hope you guys enjoy it. The things I bought were from Debs, Claire's, Marshall's, Sam's Club, and Walmart. I didn't buy very many school supplies because i will reuse the ones that I can. I mentioned this money saving tip in my last post. An organizational video is also coming sometime this week or next. Feel free to leave any video requests in the comments of my video, or here on my blog. 

*pricing and availability may vary based on your location. Prices are in US dollars.

Bangles- $10.50   $2.00
Earrings- $9.99   $2.00
Silver Necklace- $13.50   $2.00
Gold Necklace- $9.50   $2.00
1st Top- $29.50   $9.99
2nd Top w/ belt- $32.60   $9.99
Black Zebra Top- $20.50   $7.99
Jeans- $32.99   $12.49
I didn't show it, but I already bought my prom dress (I may blog on this)- $159.99   $10.00!!!!
I forgot to show my shoes, but I got these shoes as well:

The black pair was originally $18.50, and the white pair was 24.50. I got each pair for $6.00.

Claires (10 for $10)
Pink and Gold Earrings- $8.50   $1.00
Brass hooped earrings with bead- $8.50   $1.00
Magenta flower headband- $5.50   $1.00
Butterfly Ring- $5.50   $1.00
White feather loop earrings- $9.00   $1.00
Bracelets- I couldn't find the original price, LOL   $1.00
Gold Bangles- $6.50   $1.00
Butterfly hood earrings- $9.00   $1.00
Stretchy Pink Bracelet- $6.00   $1.00
Gold headband- $8.50   $1.00

Black and white ruffle top- $16.99   $10.00
Pink Shirt- $16.99
Blue, Yellow, and Black swoop neck top- $14.99   $7.50
Colorful top- $16.99   $7.50
Red Leopard Print Shirt- $19.99   $3.00
White Jeans- $29.99   $10.00

Sam's Club
Nail Art Pens (I will review these and make tutorials with them)- $40.00   $20.00
Planner- $8.98

Top- $14.00
Skirt- $13.94
Trendy Tops (Cami like, I'll review these as well)- $10.88
Rollers- $8.48
Binders- 3.97 each.
5 subject notebook- $3.97
These things were bought a while ago and I forgot the prices:
Accordion Folder
Erasers- I believe they cost less then $1.00
Loose Leaf Paper
Mechanical Pencils

***FTC Disclaimer: All products mentioned in this post were purchased by me with my own money. None of these products were given to me for free. I am not being paid for this blog. All opinions are my own***

Friday, August 3, 2012

Back To School: A few back to school shopping tips

I'm so excited to say that I am going back to school shopping sometime this weekend! I'll post a haul after I go shopping! :) Since many of you may be going back to school shopping really soon, if you haven't already, I'd like to share a few quick tips to keep in mind when you go shopping. Many of these will help to save money, and even a bit of embarrassment (like when a teacher yells at you for what you're wearing). We all want to get the most out of our back to school shopping trip, and get as many new outfits as we can. And don't forget some cute new supplies!

First up, if you are on a tight budget, and the budget includes both school supplies, and clothes, as well as any potential beauty products, you may want to divide to the budget up a bit before you go shopping. I would put away about $25 for school supplies alone, and use the rest for clothing and beauty products. Sometimes parents may be willing to spend a few extra dollars then the budget, but not always. And if you are spending from your own pocket, you'll want to be even more careful with your money. If your parents won't at all go a little over the budget, you could ask them if you could hold the money in cash. A lot of times we are a little more careful when we actually see how much we have. 


So I have to say, I love shopping for cute new school supplies. And I love to go for the binders and notebooks with the cute patterns on them, even though they tend to cost a bit more then plain ones. But then again, I do want something that will make me happy to look at and have on my desk. We all deserve something that will make us happy, as well as things that will help keep us organized. But if you are on a tight budget, you may need to look into a few things when buying school supplies. Here are a few ways you can save on your supplies, and even get more of what you want:

Before you go shopping, look for things that you can reuse- If you have pens, highlighters, pencils, or most other school supplies that are still in good shape (calculators can MOST DEFINITELY be reused), or even unused, you can use those rather then repurchasing them. You may want to test highlighters and pens a little bit to make sure they still work. But reuse what you can, that way you'll have more money to spend on cute new supplies and clothes! This doesn't mean you have to use everything from the year before, but just a few minor things. 
*You may also want to reuse your tote bag if it's still in good shape. 

Get some plain supplies in pretty colors- We all know that pretty pattern can be more expensive then plain supplies. And if you'd prefer to spend your money elsewhere look for some supplies that are just  a nice solid color. This mostly applies to 3 ring binders, but you can  also get one with a clear pocket in the front and make a collage! Plain doesn't have to mean ugly, get something in your favorite colors! Notebooks, binders, and folders all come in pretty colors.

Invest in sturdier supplies- This may not initially be as money saving, but can save money in the future, as well as frustration. If you want to save more money in the future, these can often last into the next school year! They are also a lot less likely to rip up and fall apart during the year (i don't know about you, but I don't like the look of ripping up binders and folders!) Plastic folders last longer then the paper ones, and plastic binders (unlike the ones with cardboard in the middle) usually last longer as well. These will often be in just solid colors, but look for ones in your favorite colors! This is best if your supplies tend to rip really quickly, or if you load your folders up a lot. 
*there isn't a 100% chance that your supplies won't get damaged, but they will last longer. 

Keep your organization plans in mind- This is easy if you are going to organize the same as always. But if you are trying a new method, keep it in mind when you go shopping. Make sure you know all of what you'll need before you go shopping to organize for school.

Just get the basics- get the things you know you'll need when you go shopping. It's certain that you'll need paper, pens, pencils, highlighters, notebooks, and the things you use to organize. And if you already have some of these things lying around you wont need to buy them again, unless you are running low. If your school doesn't supply planners you may also want to get a planner (or a cute small notebook that can be used as one). Don't worry about any class specific supplies until you are given a list of supplies by the teacher. You may want to hold up on the calculator until you know what kind you need. 
      -I like to get 5 subject notebooks and use a different section for each class. That way I don't need to but as many notebooks, or have as many in my locker. But I may also pick up a regular notebook for a class that may have more notes.

If you have been given a supply list by your school bring it with you- High school students aren't usually given these, not are college students (as far as i know, LOL). But middle schoolers and elementary schools will almost always give these out. You don't want to forget anything on the list. 


Probably the best part of back to school shopping is getting some new outfits! But there still are a couple of things to keep in mind as you go shopping for school clothes. Though most of them are pretty straight forward.

Keep the school dress code in mind- All schools have some kind of dress policy, even if it isn't uniforms. Typically the dress code would be something like: No really short shorts or skirts, now really low cut tops, no belly shirts, no backs showing, shirts need to cover shoulders, ect.) But every school may have something slightly different (I know that one school around here doesn't allow hoodies to be worn in class (CRAZY RIGHT?!), or shorts after a certain date. But my school doesn't care.) I also know that in some schools teachers may not pay that close of attention all the time, but it's still better safe then sorry. You want to be able to wear your new outfits to school without worrying about it getting you in trouble. If you find something you like, but it seems questionable as to how it will fit, try it on before you buy it. 
     -usually you can wear thin straps or strapless shirts or dresses as long as you wear a jacket or cardigan over it. 
     -if a shirt comes to low, you may be able to work it with a cami underneath it.
     -if you have a short dress or skirt, you may want to sit on a bench to see where it comes when you sit down, remember, you'll be sitting a lot of the day at school.

Remember that seasons will change- It may be warm now, but it will get colder as the school year goes on. There's nothing wrong with getting some outfits for the warmer weather, but don't forget that it;s going to get cooler in the next few months. I live in Ohio, and it gets VERY cold here in the winter. Plan accordingly to your usual climate. But also don't forget that it will be hot on the first day of school. 

Be yourself- Dress in clothes that are your own style and that you feel are right for you. Don't wear dressier clothes just because you think it looks prettier, unless this is your style (and of course everyone deserves a few nice outfits.) And don't try to dress like a rocker if it isn't you. Wear what you like, but don't be something you're not. Pick things that you you comfortable and confident.

Look for bargains- check out the clearance racks for cute new outfits, you never know what you might find for less! 

Beauty Supplies

I'm going to be honest... I don't usually buy a whole lot of new beauty products for back to school. I like to make use of the ones that I already have, and maybe just try out some new combinations of the colors I have for a fresh new look. Though a few new products, and a few things to replace old products is always nice. If you have your eye on a color you really want, you can always get it. But you may also want to look for a less expensive alternative for more expensive brands. 

What tips do you have for back to school shopping? What is your favorite part of shopping for back to school? Remember to have fun when you go shopping! :) Back to school shopping should in no way be stressful, or to expensive. 

Happy shopping

Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Back To School: Get your sleep schedule back

We all know that a good nights sleep is important, year round, and especially for school (or work!). But during the summer our sleeping hours tend to make a big shift from the school year. And getting our sleep schedule back can be one of the hardest things about going back to school. It's most certainly not easy to go from going to bed at 4 in the morning, or even later then that (I know that it can be very easy to pull an all nighter in the summer, LOL!), to going to bed at your usual bedtime. Nor is it easy to go from waking up around noon, to waking up at your usual wake-up time for school. With a few weeks of summer left, about 2 and a half for me at the time of writing this (some people may have a few extra weeks, or even less), it's time to start adjusting back into school mode.

I tend to have a really hard time sleeping on the night before the first day, and it's worsened by a messed up sleep schedule. Remember that excitement and anxiety over the first day of school can keep you from falling asleep. Though I don't have trouble waking up on the first day, and my excitement keeps me going and feeling energized throughout the day, I tend to pay for the lack of sleep the second or third day, up until the week is over. And of course while the tiredness later in the week usually gets my to sleep much quicker, I shouldn't use this kick in the behind to adjust my sleep schedule. There's really no reason that anyone should have to feel tired and groggy during the first week of school, or even the first day.

While you still have some flexibility with your time, it wouldn't be a bad idea to start at least trying to go to bed earlier and waking up earlier. Try to start going to bed 30 minutes to an hour earlier every night, or every couple nights. This will help your body slowly get used to the change. You don't have to get all the way down to your bedtime (but or course it would never hurt to do so), but try to get within an hour of it. Pick a time (ex. 4:00 am) and gradually get earlier from there (2 o 3 nights earlier: 3:30, a couples nights later: 3:00, and so on...) Try to get off the computer at least half an hour before this time, and get try to do something relaxing, not involving technology. Read a book, take a warm shower, listen to music that relaxes you (avoid pump-up songs, and dance songs if they really get you going), or anything that relaxes you. Just try to keep off the internet and avoid texting. It's very easy to get ignore your bedtime when you're doing these things.
      -if you can, it wouldn't be a bad idea to charge your cellphone away from your bed so you aren't as tempted to stay up texting or playing games. And if you use your phone as your alarm, you'll then have to get up to turn off the alarm. I'll be doing another post on getting a good nights sleep in the future. 

I know that just about everyone strongly dislikes waking up early, especially for school. Of course excitement usually makes it easy on the first day or 2, but eventually the lack of sleep will want to take over if no adjustments are made. Just like with the sleep schedule, you should try waking up a bit earlier every day or couple days. And you don't have to get down to your wake up time for school until the time comes. But get with at least an hour or two of it. Set an alarm (maybe keep it out of reach from your bed so you cant just turn it off, but you actually have to get up) and get up at that time, and set it a little earlier every day. And TRY NOT TO FALL BACK ASLEEP, get out of bed! If you wish, you can run through your school morning routine a couple times to get back into the swing of it, or to figure out what time you'll need to get up if your routine changed. This also accounts for the fact that you're tired. 
      -If you wake up a lot earlier then usual during the summer, this can also help to kind of jump start you back into your sleep schedule if you feel tireder at the end of the day. Just try not to take a huge nap in the middle of the day, LOL. If you really need it 15- 30 minutes is good enough.

Some little tips:
♥ Try your very hardest to fall asleep, don't give up if you can't fall asleep right away. Your body needs to adjust. And it's best to try to make slower adjustments. 

♥ If you have a really hard time sleeping, you may want to start off even earlier, and even get down to your actual bedtime.

♥ On the night before the first day, go to bed a little earlier then usual, as your excitement may keep you from falling asleep as fast. 

♥ Try to aim for at least 7-8 hours of sleep. I'm guilty of not doing this at all, but I really should try this.