Monday, July 30, 2012

Back To School: Things to do BEFORE school starts

It's that time of year again, time to start thinking about going back to school. This time is often full of excitement, but can also be very stressful at times. But waiting until the very last minute to make any kind of preparations can make it even more tiring and stressful when the first day rolls around. I like to take care of a few things before school actually starts, and make a few adjustments while it's still summer time and I have some flexibility. Having plans, and making these adjustments can make it a lot less stressful and a lot more fun (well, if you find this stuff at all fun, LOL) to go back to a fresh start. Since I start school 3 weeks from now on August 21, the same week that many others start, I think it's time to start working on my back to school checklist. 

So everyone has slightly different ways of preparing for back to school, and different tricks to beat the back to school stress. (Feel free to leave you back to school checklist in the comments!) Today I'd like to share the things that I do around this time of year, and things that I have done in the past to make this time of year easier. A few of these things are very much optional, and just depend on the person, but I feel that a few of them are very important, and should at least be given a try. :)

Most Importantly:

♥ Really get to work on that back to school homework!- I mentioned this in a past post, but if you haven't already started on your summer assignments, you really need to start on them now. You want to be able to put the most thought you can into them that you can. You don't want to start off the year with a low mark because you didn't do it, or didn't do it right. While many teachers may not grade this so critically, some might.  Make a good impression to you teachers! The weeks are flying by... and you don't want to be stuck the last week or the day before with a big book to read, or a huge packet of papers to do.

Get your sleep schedule back on track- I may make a post on this sometime this week. But since many of us love to go to bed late (more like early in the morning for me, LOL), and get up way later then we normally would during the school year. It wouldn't be a bad idea to start trying to go to bed a little earlier each night, and waking up earlier each day. Otherwise you may not be able to sleep a whole lot, if at all, the night before (especially with all the excitement). This doesn't mean you HAVE to wake up at your usual school year wake up time (unless you want to, or feel the need to), or go to bed at your school year bedtime, but get within an hour or two of these times. You won't be following these exact times on the weekends anyways, but of course it is way easier to adjust from two days, than it is to adjust from almost 3 months!

Do a practice run of your route to school- This is primarily for students who are going to a new school, or have moved to a different distance from the school (or bus stop), and don't know how long it will take for them to get there. Bring your phone, and make note of the time you walk out the door, and walk or drive (just don't look at your phone while you drive!) to your school or bus stop. Then make note of the time when you get there, and how long it took. (It would be amazing if your phone has a stopwatch!) Of course you should always add a few extra minutes (I'd go about 10-15 minutes), to the time it takes you to get there. Just because you never know what might happen:
      -remember that traffic will be more dense on school mornings
      -you'll need to drive slower in bad weather, and it may also slow you down as you walk
      -if you ride a bus, you're bus may come slightly earlier sometimes
      -you may need to ask a teacher a question in the morning
      -and of course some social time with friends is always nice!

Go to registration/ orientations before school starts- Most school, if not all, will have these before school starts. You will often get your schedule as well as your locker number and combination at these. Do a rundown of your schedule and locate all of your classes in order so they'll be easier to find on the first day (even if your a upperclassman this still wouldn't be a bad idea). Also your should memorize your locker number and practice your locker combination a few times until you get comfortable with it. If you know you'll be getting your locker, it wouldn't be a bad idea to bring the majority of your supplies to put in your locker, that way you won't have as heavy of a load the first day. 

Memorize and share your schedule- If you can memorize your schedule before the first day, you wont have to keep pulling it out to look at it on the first day. If you share your schedule with your friends on Facebook, through text, or even in person you can find out what friends you'll have in your class. 

Other things (mostly can be done a week before):

Pick your outfit at least a week before you go back- Everyone likes to wear a nice outfit on the first day. Try to pick out what you will wear (as well as how you'll do your make-up and hair), at least a week before school starts. That way you won't need to scramble to pick your outfit the night before or morning of! This also helps to build some excitement, as well as take away some stress. My outfit is usually picked after I'm done back to school shopping. You may also want to practice your hair and make- up a few times.

Come up with an organization plan, and put your supplies together- I also like to do this at least a week before school starts. If you want to try a new organization plan for the year, you should think of it before you go shopping for supplies. Once you have everything put it all together and put it in your bag. If you plan to put your things in your locker on an orientation day, be sure to do this before you go. You should try to get all of your basic supplies when you go clothes shopping. (Pencils, Pens, Highlighters, paper, and your organization materials.)

Do a rundown of your morning routine- Usually we all know how long our morning routine takes in the morning. But if you have changed or added anything (putting in hair extensions, starting to eat breakfast, make- up ect.) you might want to do a practice run when you wake up in the morning of your full morning routine. Keep track of time (including how long it took you to get out of bed) to come up with an appropriate wake-up time. I'll be doing a full post on how I manage my time in the morning.

Add a few new songs to your iPod- This is VERY much optional,and also depends on your school. If you can usually listen to music in study hall, add a few new songs to your playlist so you'll have some new songs to listen to during study hall. :)

These are just a few basic things that I like to do before school actually starts. I will go into more detail on several of these things within the next 3 weeks, as well as a few extras. Depending on your needs, you can always take or add a few extra things. It's good to start preparing a little early. What do you like to do to prepare for back to school? And even as you prepare, you can still enjoy your last few weeks of summer freedom. :)

Sunday, July 29, 2012

Glambitious Life: My Back to School Nightmares

Hey everyone! Starting this week I will be posting back to school blogs, and I'll also try my best to post more often. I'll be posting on things from preparations, morning routines, and many other school survival blogs within the next 3 weeks, and I'll also continue with school blogs throughout the school year.  Feel free to leave some suggestions as to what I should do school blogs on and I'll try my best to get to them as soon as possible. Back to school blogs are one of my favorites to read, as well as ones that I am VERY excited to write. To kick off my back to school posts, I'd like to write a get to know me kind of post, about something that just seems to happen to me every year, back to school nightmares!

Every year, usually around mid-July, I start getting these crazy dreams about the first day of school. And in these dreams, something always seems to go wrong. If it's not the fact that I haven't gone back to school shopping and don't have a cute new outfit and school supplies for the first day, or i showed up to school in my pajamas, there's always something that just doesn't go right. Like waking up too late, or looking at the clock when I'm not even half way done getting ready and realizing that I already missed half the day. Or that I wore a really nice outfit, but forgot to do my hair and make-up! Or it could be that I showed up 30 minutes late to every class because I got stuck at my locker, or I just spent to much time talking to my friends and didn't even hear the bell, LOL. It could even be that I took out my phone and just really randomly started texting in the middle of a class and got my phone taken away. LOL!

So I would definitely say that I do get at least a little anxious about the first day of school, as many others probably do too.  Even though I know I never would show up in my pajamas, or be that late to school, or forget anything on the first day. And I'm almost certain that I'll have a new outfit and all my basic supplies by the time the first day rolls around. Does anyone else get these crazy dreams about back to school?! Of course I also have the crazy dreams at the beginning of the summer that the school year has been extended and we have to come back for a few weeks, I get so mad! LOL! I need to stop eating sweets before bed. 

How do you guys like these get to know me kinds of posts? If you like them I could do them a little more often. And also as I get more into back to school posts, and back to school season comes more into full swing. It's still good to enjoy the last few weeks of summer, while making a few preparations. :) I can't wait to write more back to school posts! 

Thursday, July 26, 2012

The Most Important Meal of the Day

Hey everyone, first I'd like to thank everyone for 11 followers! I started this blog on my last day of school in May, and to gain so many awesome followers by the end of July is just amazing! Thank you all so much!

So I think I've mentioned this before, or you've heard it from just about everyone, breakfast is the most important meal of the day! And it's true, you should never really go without breakfast. But it seems that breakfast is one of the most commonly skipped meals. Many may skip breakfast to try lose weight, or because they don't think they have the time for it, or maybe they just don't like the taste of breakfast food. But whatever the reason, it shouldn't be an excuse to not eat something in the morning. Especially on a busy day!

Eating a healthy breakfast can actually help you to lose weight, believe it or not! In fact, people who don't eat breakfast actually tend to gain weight. Sounds crazy right?! And you would think that one less meal would mean losing weight, but that's not the case. It's been shown that people who skip breakfast tend to overeat, and choose less healthy, high-calorie foods later in the day. Hunger can often take over good judgement when it comes to food choices. More information can be found at this link.  
*of course though, it wouldn't beneficial to eat  cake, cookies, or other  unhealthy foods for breakfast. Breakfast should be a healthy meal. 

Probably one of the biggest excuses to not eat breakfast is not having enough time for it. Especially during the school year, or if you have to work in the morning. Since it is still summer, unless you have a job or sports practice to go to early in the morning, this shouldn't be an issue at all as you have plenty of time to eat a good breakfast. But I sometimes skip breakfast in the summer, especially when I wake up around noon or lunchtime, and go right to lunch, not always a healthy lunch either. (If you are waking up around noon, or later, it may not be a bad idea to start waking up a bit earlier as summer starts to wind down, and back to school season approaches.) If you tend to wake up around lunch, a peanut-butter and banana sandwich, can serve as a great breakfast/ lunch.

I tend to skip breakfast the most on school days, days where we need breakfast the most! Normally because I just don't feel like making breakfast, or I just don't feel hungry in the morning. And I pay for it later in the school day when I'm hungry, and tired and crabby from being hungry, and I can't grab my lunch when I want to. I have more then enough time in the morning (Do I REALLY need to spend an hour on Facebook every morning?) but I just don't always eat something. And there are many people out there who don't have time I have in the morning, some who still always eat breakfast, and many who don't... You don't have to make a big pancake breakfast (as yummy as it is!), a simple bowl of cereal, toast, or some fruit will do just fine. If you don't have 2+ hours of time in the morning like I do. (LOL, I wake up REALLY early, even though I don't leave until 7:00), or even an hour of time, here are a few things you can do:

Wake up just a few minutes earlier- Everyone loves, and needs their sleep. But it shouldn't be a reason to skip breakfast. If you usually have to run out the door, waking up 5-10 minutes earlier will allow you more time to eat, and you won't have to leave out parts of your morning routine. It doesn't have to be a huge breakfast that takes a long time to cook or eat. If you usually have relax time in the morning, you can eat your breakfast in this time if you don't want to wake up earlier (eating breakfast shouldn't be stressful.) 

Grab quick, on the go breakfast foods- if you are really in a rush and need to make it to a bus stop, or walk to the school quick, grab something you can eat on the way there. This does not mean grab a pack of snack cakes! An apple or banana are perfect healthy choices for on the go. Cereal bars also make a great quick breakfast on the go. If you usually run out the door in the morning, plan what you'll take with you the night before and set it in a place where you can easily get to it. (Or if you never know what to choose, even if you do have time. You should think of what you'll want the night before.)
*just remember to take care of the earth and  throw your trash away in a trash can! DON'T LITTER.  It won't hurt to hold it until you get to a trash can. And while banana peels and apple cores do decompose, nobody really wants to look at them on the ground. Ick.

Eat breakfast at school- If your school serves breakfast in the morning and you have enough time for breakfast when you arrive at school, eat breakfast there. While most schools will charge for breakfast (typically less then lunch prices), it would be worth it to get your most important meal of the day in. If you get free or reduced lunches, your breakfast may also come at a reduced price, or even free. This may depend on your school. While we all love to hang out with our friends in the morning, they can wait until you finish (or they can sit with you, and eat with you if they tend to skip breakfast as well!) 

Reconsider your morning routine- I'll be doing a whole blog post on this when I get into my back to school blogs. But you should try to make breakfast work into your morning routine. You may need to reprioratize a few things. 

There are many things you can eat in the morning, even if you are short on time, or if you don't like how breakfast food tastes. I don't really have any special recipes, but here are a few of my favorite foods to eat in the morning:
-Toast. This can be done so many ways! You can just put butter on it, maybe even put a little cinnamon or sugar on it. Or even make PB&J, or Peanut-butter and banana. 
-Toaster strudel. It's probably not the healthiest, but it's really good and there are many flavors to choose from!
-Waffles. Freezer waffles can be popped in the toaster can can be ready within minutes. though i usually like to take my time eating these. 
-Cereal. Simple and quick!
-Muffins. If we have muffins in the kitchen I usually like to go for those. I just love blueberry muffins in the morning!
-Fresh fruit. When I'm feeling lazy, I'll reach for a banana or an apple to munch on. It's quick AND healthy.

I am very guilty of skipping breakfast at times, and many of us are. I've also grabbed very unhealthy snacks for breakfast as well, even though I know better. But it should never become an everyday thing. You'll feel a lot better, and more energized if you eat a good breakfast (and don't forget a good night's sleep!). What do you like to eat for breakfast? Do you tend to skip breakfast, or do you eat it daily? Let me know! Back to school blogs coming next week! Maybe even sooner!

Saturday, July 21, 2012

Girl Talk: A Girl's Must Have App

Hey girls! Today's post is a little about something that every girl will go through at some point in her life, periods. I won't be going into much detail on that time of month when cravings, moodiness, and well... period stuff, rear their ugly heads today (more posts on that will be coming in the very near future). But I would like to mention a great way to keep track of that time of month and prepare for it, period predictor apps. 

Recently I was curious about an app that could better help me prepare for that time of month, and give me an alert when that time is coming around. And somewhat without surprise, there are many period predictor apps available in the app store! (Paid and free, I went for free, LOL!) After trying a few, I found the one that I liked best, and worked best for me, Period Plus. This app allows you to keep track of several factors: breakouts cramps, weight, flow, and more. You can even create a custom factor if you wish. You can set this app to notify you of your period starting up to 5 days before your period is estimated to start. And as you enter more periods and cycles (the amount of days from the start of your period, to the start of the next) the prediction will get more accurate, and make changes based on what you enter. You can even password protect this app if you don't wish for others to view your content. 

There is a paid version of this app ($2.99 american dollars), but the free version works just fine. Also feel free to check out other apps available on the app store. This app will run on iPhone, iPod touch, and I believe iPad as well. Feel free to check out other apps if this one doesn't work for you, the app can be easily deleted from your device if you don't like it. You may also be able to find many similar apps on the android market if you don't have an iPhone. But even if you don't have any of these devices, you can still keep track of your period. Simply mark your calender when your period starts (it doesn't have to be anything fancy, a dot, heart, or any shape you like will do. plus not many people would know what it's for other then you) and mark it each time your period starts. The days from one mark to the next is the length of your cycle, so you can use this to estimate when your period may start. 

The average cycle is 28 days, but EVERYONE is different. You may be a little longer, or shorter then other girls. Your cycle may also sometimes be longer of shorter then usual, you may even miss a cycle (this is very common when you just start having your period). This is completely normal, and you shouldn't worry about it to much. However, you shouldn't miss more then 3 periods in a row. And if you have any concerns, don't be afraid to see a doctor. And never be afraid to ask your mother, older sister or friend, or another woman you trust questions.

Do you use a similar app? How do you keep track of your period? Feel free to ask any questions, as well as answer any questions other girls may leave on this post. I'll try to answer questions the best I can. I'll also be doing many more posts on this topic. I am not a doctor, nor am I trying to be. What I know comes from personal experience and research. 

***FTC Disclaimer: This was a free app in the iTunes app store, and is free to everyone. I am not being paid to write this post. All opinions are my own.***

Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Keep the summer boredom away

I don't know about you, but sometimes I can get a little bored with summer vacation, especially in the last few weeks. And while this may sound crazy, I'll even want to go back to school, just to have something to do. (And for the fact that I love back to school season, even though I'm not the biggest fan of school, LOL.) But since school is still 5 weeks away for me, as well as for many others, I have to make the most of these last few weeks rather than just watching them pass by. Since I'm going to be a senior, this is my last official summer vacation,(no job, or real responsibilities to take care of), and I really want to enjoy it. Even when things start to get a little slow.

So one of the best parts about summer is the lovely warm weather, and one of the best ways to enjoy it is to get outside, and even spend time with the besties. But I know that not everyone is an outdoors person, and that sometimes it can be just a little to hot to be outside for long periods of time. (If it is really hot out, and you plan to be outside, drink a lot of water. Especially if you'll be doing a lot of activity. You don't want to become dehydrated. And no matter what temperature, you should always wear sunscreen to protect your skin.) And sometimes, the besties may be away on a family vacation or busy with other things. So I came up with a list of things you can do to keep yourself busy,and entertained over the last few weeks of summer. 

Starting with the bleh... but time passing activities 

♥ If you have summer homework, work on that. I did an entire blog on this. 

Clean your room, or even other parts of the house a bit- It may not be fun, but it has to be done. You'll be much happier in a cleaner room. You can even reorganize things a bit, and have a nice clean, organized room when school starts. And doing a few other chores, even if you don't have to do chores normally, can really help score some points with your parents. 

Embrace the boredom- Just laze around a bit and enjoy the slow pace. Just remember, you could be loaded with homework and test stress. You don't have to wake up early, or go to bed early, or sit in class. It is better to be bored at home than to be bored in class. :) You could even take a little nap and not worry about it. 

And now for the more fun stuff :)

Start a new hobby- A lot of people can agree that this can really help to pass time, and can be very enjoyable. It also gets your mind going and being productive. Think about what you are interested in, and start doing an activity based on that. You could start a blog on something you are interested in, or make a few videos for YouTube. You could even start scrap-booking, or even stop by a craft store or use items you already have to make jewelry. There are so many things you could do! 

Watch some of your favorite childhood movies and TV shows- Pop in an old movie that you loved as a kid, but haven't seen in a while. Or if available, watch a TV channel like Nicktoons (separate from the usual Nickelodeon) that shows old shows like Rugrats, Hey Arnold, Rocket Power, and other childhood favorites all day. You could even look to see if you have TEENick, which shows some of the old favorites like Ned's Declassified School Survival Guide, Drake and Josh, Zoey 101, and other favorites all day. (I have GOT to start watching this channel again, LOL) If you don't have these channels, you may be able to find a few episodes online, or on Netflix if you have it. This would be great to do alone, or with friends! You could even think of how your views have changed since you were younger, and pick up on some of the jokes you didn't get as a kid.

Practice some hair and make-up styles you might want to wear for back to school- Try out a couple of those hairstyles or make-up styles you're thinking of for back to school. You can then decide on which ones you like best for that first day. And you can get better with practice, so you won't be as stressed as to how it may turn out when you actually go back. It can even bring on a little bit of the excitement of back to school. You can even make a tutorial to put on YouTube if you'd like.

Pamper yourself- Give yourself a spa day. Take a nice bubble bath, or a nice hot shower with your favorite body products. (did you know that a cold shower is actually better for you than a hot shower? i didn't until i read it on! but it is still nice to take a relaxing hot shower.) Put on your favorite lotion, give yourself a manicure or pedicure, just make yourself feel good, and relax for the day.

Read a good book- Reading a book you enjoy is an amazing pass-time, and also helps to keep your mind sharp. Find a good book you want to read, and open it up. (If you have to read an assigned book for the summer, you may want to read that first.) There are so many amazing books out there! But if you don't have enough money to go buy a new book, you could always re-read other books you may have. You may pick up on something you didn't get the first time you read the book. It's best to find a book on something you are interested in. Don't read a book JUST because it's popular. You may also want to consider expanding and reading other kinds of books, or books by different authors. (I tend to stick with my Nicholas Sparks books, LOL)
     -if you aren't much of a book person, you could always read blogs.  

Make a snack- You could find some recipes online or even from your mom or grandma, or even a friend. You may even want to get creative and come up with your own! It can be a yummy desert item, lunch item, or even just a healthy snack. It doesn't necessarily have to require the stove. You could make a nice fruit salad, sandwich, or a smoothie or milkshake. You could make it for yourself, or even make enough for a few friends. 

♥  Computer Time- Normally it's best to try to get off the computer and try to go outside... But the computer is a pretty good pass-time. You could spend a day reading (or even writing!) blogs on things you are interested in. Watching YouTube videos you like (maybe watch some tutorials or organization videos to get back to school ideas.) Chat with some friends on skype, aim, or any chat service you may use. Play some games (they can be as simple as a few Facebook games, or even games like The Sims 3 if you have it) if you play games like The Sims 2 or the Sims 3, you could create a different type of family you wouldn't normally play, or even get an expansion pack you don't have (if you have the money.) You could also play video games on your Wii, PlayStation, or Xbox if you have one. 

What do you like to do when you get bored during the summer? Leave any additional tips in the comments. And enjoy your summer, you only have so many summer vacations left. :)

Saturday, July 14, 2012

Products I'm Loving: The Eye's Have It Shadow Set by Claire's

Review: The Eye's Have It Shadow Set by Claire's

So I have to say, I love to shop at Claire's for their cosmetics as well as their accessories. Their stuff is generally low priced and of pretty good quality as well.  Though sometimes cosmetic items may be damaged in the store, so I would suggest looking at the packaging as well as the product (if it isn't already sealed, and preferably go for sealed products) to make sure it isn't damaged or already used. I also find it best to kindly report damaged products to someone who works there. But aside from the occasional product damage in the store, Claire's in one of my favorite stores to shop for make- up, as well as hair accessories and jewelry. I always have to at least stop at Claire's when I do to the mall! :)

 The colors looks even prettier in person :) 

A couple of months ago, I purchased The Eye's Have It Shadow Set by Claire's, and I love it! This pallet comes with 100 colors! It has neutral colors such as grays and browns, and some bright fun colors like pinks, purples, blues, greens, and more! There are so many looks that can be created with this shadow set! From neutral looks, to fun colorful looks. (I'll be doing many tutorials on YouTube using this pallet. They will be posted on my blog.) The colors are also very pigmented and look amazing when you use a little eye primer (I may review my current favorite eye primer soon.) This set is perfect for creating everyday, as well as party and special occasion looks!

This eye shadow pallet comes at a great price of $20.00 (american dollars), not bad for a set of 100 great eye shadows! Price may vary a bit based on your location. It comes with two of those sponge applicators you often get with eye shadow, but of course you can use your better brushes if you prefer :) Maybe even pick up a cute brush set from Claire's! Beauty products from Claire's are buy one get one 50% off, so you may be able to get your brush set 50% off! Or any other beauty product you wish to get :)

***FTC Disclaimer: All products mentioned in this blog were purchased by me with my own money. None of these products were given to me for free. I am not being paid for this blog. All opinions are my own.***

Wednesday, July 11, 2012

This may sound BLAH, but if it applies to you...

It seems that this summer is going by really super fast, it's already almost the middle of July already! With summer going by so fast, it may be a good time to start that dreaded summer homework, if you haven't already. I know, the last thing many of us want to think about at this point is school or homework, but believe me, it's best to try to get summer homework done a little early rather than saving it until the last week or two of summer. It's much less stressful and you don't have that nagging feeling that you should be working on your homework!

You don't have to try to get it all done in one day, or even by the end of July (unless you start school at the beginning of August, and if you get it done earlier you wont even have to worry about it in your last few weeks of summer). If you have to read the not-so-fun assigned reading book, just read a chapter or two (or more depending on the length of the book and how quickly you want to get done) and answer any assigned questions or reading logs you may have to do with it. If you don't have to answer any questions, it wouldn't hurt to take a few quick notes in case you have a test or discussion when school starts back up. (You may want to read this before you go on to your next pleasure read.) 

You can also get together with a few other friends who have the same assignment as you and work on it with them. You can even have a little snack or even a picnic with them while you work, just try to stay on task, LOL! Sometimes working with others can help make an assignment much easier and quicker, and you'll have someone there to help you as well. But you can always work alone if you wish, and if you are home alone for any portion of the day during the summer, that's one of the best times to get to work. Just try not to get distracted to much by the computer or TV, LOL. 

Just don't get to stressed out, and don't feel as if you need to rush. Take your time, that's the point of starting early. If you get confused or need help with something, ask a friend for help. Sometimes others may understand different things a little better. You can also feel free to ask a parents, or even look to an online resource. If you are able to contact your teacher, feel free to email them with your questions and they can help out. And if you feel stressed, you can always walk away and do something you enjoy, then go back to your homework later, or even the next day. 

While I may not have been assigned anything for this summer, I have been in the past. From personal experience I can tell you that it's VERY stressful to try to get a summer assignment done in two weeks or less, and all I had to do was read a book. I couldn't imagine how it would have been if I had written work to go with it. Try your best to get to complete your work at least a week or two before the first day of school. You deserve to enjoy your last couple weeks of summer, while doing a little back to school shopping as well. :) 
*Back to school blog series will be posted around the beginning of August.

Enjoy the rest of your summer!!!!!!!! 

Monday, July 9, 2012

Don't forget your sunscreen!

You hear it from dermatologists, on TV, online, and even from your parents, you have to wear sunscreen if you plan to spend time outside, especially in the summertime! I also mentioned in several past posts not to forget your sunscreen when you go to the pool or spend a day outside to protect your skin, though I haven't gone into much detail on the topic. Since this is an important topic, I've decided to research a little bit on the internet and write today's post on sunscreen and protecting your skin from the sun's harmful rays.

We all know some of the harmful effects that sitting out in the sun without protection can have. From a painful sunburn, to even more long term consequences such as premature aging and even skin cancer. (Tanning beds can have the same effect, as they give off the same rays as the sun.)  And just one blistering sunburn puts you at a higher risk of getting skin cancer (one of the most commonly diagnosed forms of cancer, especially in younger people). But even if you've already had an awful sunburn, it's not to late to protect your skin from further damage. Put on that sunscreen when you go outside!

As we shop for sunscreen, one of the things many of us look at is the SPF (Sun Protection Factor) number. This number is determined by the amount of time a person wearing sunscreen would take to burn vs. the amount time someone not wearing sunscreen would take to burn. These generally go from SPF 15 and higher. And it's logical to think that a higher SPF means better protection, and while that may be true, are they really that much better then a lower SPF? A sunscreen of SPF 15 blocks about 94% of the suns UVB rays (many sunscreens don't do much for UVA rays, which are just as harmful and can cause deep skin damage), SPF 30 blocks about 97%, and SPF 45 blocks about 98%. And higher rated sunscreens block a little more UVB rays, but none offer 100% protection. It's still always good to protect your skin as much as you can, but you should always at least go for a product of SPF 15, even if you want to get a tan. You should also go for a water resistant sunscreen if you are going swimming (and so you don't sweat if off, ewww right?) You also shouldn't forget that sunscreen needs to be reapplied every 2 hours, or after swimming, drying off or sweating. 

Along with sunscreen, you should also wear sunglasses to protect your eyes from UV rays. Along with a cute style, also make it a high priority to look for sunglasses with a high rating to protect from UV rays. Preferably 99-100% or UV 400. If you wear glasses, look into transitions lenses that can adjust as lighting changes.

~ You can even get sunburned in cold weather! The risk of getting a sunburn has nothing to do with temperature, but UV rays from the sun. It's often believed that it has to be hot because the suns rays are what warms the earth. 
~ You can still get sunburned on a cloudy day, and even through a window! 

The truth about Tanning:

While we would all love to have a nice summer glow, the risks that can come along with tanning aren't really worth it. It's best to stay away from the tanning beds to avoid premature aging or more serious problems like skin cancer. If you wish to get a tan from the sun, you should still wear a sunscreen of SPF 15. You can always go for a self tanning lotion for the healthiest way to achieve a nice summer glow, especially if you have really sensitive skin. Just remember, you're going to have your skin for the rest of your life, so it's best to keep it looking young and healthy :) 

We all forget the sunscreen sometimes, nobody's perfect. But you should always make it a priority to put on sunscreen when you'll be spending time outside. 

***Please note that I am not a doctor, not am I trying to be. I am taking research and prior knowledge and simplifying it as much as I can for this blog.***

More information on sunscreen, UV rays, and sunglasses can be found at the following links from: WebMD, ehow, and  ***I am not being paid or sponsored by any of the sites listed***

Thursday, July 5, 2012

Girl Talk: Acne, Pimples, Zits, OH MY!

Hey girls! For my first Girl Talk blog, I figured I post on something that just about every teenager (even boys!) can relate to. Those icky little bumps that appear on your face, and even on other areas of your body such as your neck, shoulders, back, and chest. ACNE. Just about everyone will have acne at some point in their tween and teen years, and even in their adult years. Some may even have more severe acne then others. If you feel that your acne is effecting your social life or self esteem, or you have really severe acne, you may want to set up an appointment with a dermatologist to help control your acne. 

Causes of Acne:
-Overproduction of oil (sebum), your body naturally produces oil. (Your skin would be really dry without it, and dry skin can cause break outs as well.) When to much oil is produced, it could clog the pores in your skin.
-Dead skin, your body naturally sheds dead skin cells, but irregular shedding of dead skin can result in irritation of the follicles in your skin.
-Bacteria buildup

Acne can be worsened by:
-Hormones. This is why your acne is usually worse in your tween and teen years as you go through puberty. You may also experience break-outs around the time of your period as your body goes through hormonal changes. Pregnancy and birth control  may also effect the amount of oil produced in your skin. 
-Some Medications may also cause acne. 
-Diet. Studies have shown that some foods, including dairy products, and foods full of carbs such as breads, chips, and foods that raise blood sugar may also be a cause of acne. It's been shown that foods such as chocolates, and greasy foods have little effect on acne. 
~Acne actually isn't caused by dirt. Over scrubbing and the use of harsh products can make acne even worse. Though it's still necessary to wash your skin to remove excess oil, dead skin, and bacteria. 
~Stress isn't actually a cause of acne, but can make it worse.

Here are the different forms of acne you could possibly get:
-Comedones (blackheads and whiteheads). Probably one of the most common forms of acne. These are caused when the opening of the skin becomes blocked with oil, dead skin, or even bacteria. 
      -Blackheads are open at the skin surface and have a dark color. 
      -Whiteheads are closed at the surface and have a more skin colored appearance. 
-Pustules (pimples) are also common, these are the red tender bumps with white pus at their tips. 
-Papules may also be red and tender, these usually signal inflammation in the hair follicles. 
-Nodules are large, solid and painful lumps beneath the surface of the skin, caused by build up deep in the follicle. 
-Cysts are large, painful, pus filled, boil-like. lumps beneath the surface of the skin. These can cause scarring. 

Some treatments and remedies:
-Over the counter topical treatments. These are generally mild acne lotions that can dry up excess oil and fight bacteria. These generally contain benzoyl peroxide, sulfur, resorcinol, salicylic acid or sulfur as their active ingredient.  These usually work best for mild forms of acne. Some initial side effects may include  dryness, irritation, and flaking. These usually improve after about a month.
-Prescription topical treatments. If your skin doesn't respond to over the counter products, you may want to see a doctor or dermatologist to prescribe a stronger treatment. 
-Antibiotics. For Severe or even some moderate forms of acne you may need to take oral antibiotics for a short term. Your doctor may have you slowly decrease your doses as your acne improves, or if the antibiotics aren't working. You may also be using these with a topical treatment. Antibiotics can cause side effect such as upset stomach, dizziness, and skin discoloration. They may also increase your skins sensitivity to the sun, and reduce the effectiveness of oral contraceptives. 
-Isotretinoin. This is a very effective and strong remedy for deep cysts when antibiotics aren't enough. This is reserved for the most serve forms of acne. Patients will need close monitoring by a dermatologist to watch for severe side effects. This drug is known to cause birth defects and can not be used safely by women who are pregnant of may become pregnant. Women of reproductive age must participate in an FDA approved monitoring program to be prescribed the drug. 
*More information on these treatments and remedies, and a complete list of treatments can be found here.*

Do NOT try to pop blemishes! While it is very tempting, picking and squeezing can make them worse and even cause infection. (and it's icky anyways, LOL!)

-Watch what touches your face. Try to keep your hands off of your face as much as possible. Try to avoid resting your phone on your face as well. Also keep your hair clean and and as out of your face as possible.
-Wash with a gentle cleanser to wash away excess skin and oil. (Only was twice a day to avoid drying your skin out).
-avoid products that irritate your skin. including some cosmentics, hair products, and even some sunscreens. Though sun rays can worsen acne, and some acne products can make you more sensitive to the suns rays. Use a non oily sunscreen to protect your skin. 
-try to avoid putting on heavy foundation (especially in the summer when your more likely to be sweating). take off all make-up before going to bed. 
-shower after exercise to wash away sweat and oil.

So here is just some of the basic information on acne. Please note that I am not a doctor, nor am i trying to be. I am simply taking prior knowledge and research and simplifying it a bit for this blog. I may do several more posts on acne in the future to include further information. This is the first of many Girl Talk blogs that I'll be doing on Glitter Glambitions. Feel free to ask questions and I will try to answer them to the best of my ability, and also feel free to answer other girls questions. Also feel free to leave a topic you would like me to blog on, and I'll try to get to it in the future :) 

I got my information from here. More information on everything discussed in this post can be found here as well. 

Sunday, July 1, 2012

Products I'm Loving: Maybelline Color Tattoo

Review: Maybelline Color Tattoo Eye Shadows by EyeStudio

I always love to wear eye shadow when I go out. In fact, eye shadow is most definitely my favorite make-up product to buy and put on! There is just SO much you can do with it, and I love to get colorful with my make-up. But sometimes, as we have probably all experienced, I just get lazy and don't feel like spending a whole lot of time on my make- up. Either that, or I'm running low on time. Yet I still want to look glamorous! Since, for me and probably many other girls out there, doing my eye make- up tends to take up the most time, I've always wanted a product that will give me a beautiful look in half the time, with very little effort. (quick question: what part of your face do you tend the most time on when it comes to make- up? do you tend to spend more time on your eyes? or do you spend more time on your face or lips?) After one of my favorite make-up gurus on YouTube, MacBarbie07 (check her out if you haven't already!), mentioned the Maybelline Color Tattoo eye shadows,  cream eye shadows that can give you a gorgeous look within minutes, (or even seconds!), i just had to try one of them out. 

So I have to be honest, I was a bit hesitant to buy these eye shadows because of the price, which is only about $6.00 in american dollars at Walmart. (pricing may vary depending on your area, and the store you purchase it at.) Actually not a bad price at all, but I'm a penny pincher, LOL. But a friend of mine convinced me to try one out, so I picked up Maybelline Color Tattoo eye shadow in the color Bad to the Bronze. A really pretty, yet neutral color. Perfect for everyday! 

So one thing I really like about this product is that you can easily apply it with your finger, no brush is needed. You also don't need an eye-primer to get long lasting vibrant color! You can apply this product within a minute, and have a look that looks as if a lot of effort was put into it. And just a small amount goes a long way with this product. You can always build up  the look with additional colors if you wish :) This product is definitely worth the $6.00 in my opinion, and I can't wait to try out some of the other colors!
*I  may do a make- up tutorial with this product when I start my YouTube Channel.

***FTC Disclaimer: All products mentioned in this blog were purchased by me with my own money. None of these products were given to me for free.  I am not being paid for this blog. All opinions are my own.***